Upcoming UMT Event Plan

Latest UMT Events

Korean Cultural Emmersion Trip (Gyeongbokgung)

28 MAY 2024

WAQ for E Co (Cheollipo Beach)

13 JUNE 2024

GreenPlatoon (Pyeongtaek)

27 JUNE 2024

Battle Buddy Challenge

Explore South Korea with Battle Buddy! At the end of your journey, there are gifts prepared. Check out the PDF Below for a challenge map and additional information!

See Details

Chain of Command

LTC Tony Snipes

3-2D Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion)
2nd Combat Aviation Brigade
Camp Humphreys, Korea
DSN (office): 315-756-6516
W Cell: 010-8858-7229
Email - NIPR: anthony.j.snipes.mil@army.mil

CSM Joseph T. Cole

Command Sergeant Major
3-2D Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion)
2nd Combat Aviation brigade
Camp Humphreys, Korea
DSN (office): 315-756-6517
Cell: 010-3428-6053

RSO Lee Jung

Supported From,
HHC UMT Yoo Jun Hyeok

C.CO Supply Lee Jeong Heon

HHC S2 Lee Jong Min

To get 3-2GSAB latest news,
